October 3 2021

Annual General Meeting

UMNB’s 2021 Annual General Meeting was held remotely via Zoom on October 3, 2021 at 9 AM.

Members undertook the business of UMNB at the Annual General Meeting, including deciding policies and priorities by voting on resolutions, hearing financial and operational reports, and receiving updates on committee and zone work. Together we celebrated winners of the Raymond Murphy Memorial Award and the Louise Breau Memorial Award, acknowledged Long Service Award winners, toasted municipalities celebrating milestones of incorporation, and honoured municipal elected officials who have passed away.


This year UMNB was pleased to present a virtual conference featuring weekly panels of experts speaking on topics of importance to municipalities and municipal elected officials. All presentations prepared by our panelists have kindly been made available:

Navigating Social Media September 9, 2021 @ 6pm
Social Media allows you to connect directly with citizens and share information like never before. It also connects you to a world of abuse, misinformation, and expectations of 24/7 availability. Learn how to manage the firehose of information, engage with community members, effectively respond to negativity online, and have work-life balance in the online world. Moderated by Dan Murphy.

Growing Communities September 16, 2021 @ 6pm
We all know that immigration and population growth are necessary for the growth and sustainability of our communities. What can you do to welcome and retain newcomers? How can you keep youth in your community? Hear success stories and best practices for opening your community’s gates. Moderated by Ginette Gautreau.

Cybersecurity: You are the  Weakest Link September 23, 2021 @ 6pm
Municipalities across the country are hearing alarm bells about cybersecurity. Cybercriminals are always updating their attacks and the good guys aren’t always keeping pace. How can you protect your municipal assets, your residents’ data, and yourself? Get tips on how to keep yourself safe, hear from communities who’ve learned lessons the hard way, and find out what to do when it happens to you. Moderated by Dina Maxwell.

Municipal Reform October 28, 2021 @ 6 pm
The Government of New Brunswick is coming to the finish line of a process to radically change our local governance system. Hear about the current state of the process, ask questions, and join a roundtable discussion on the proposed reforms and what they mean for your community.

This year’s virtual conference and AGM has been made possible by the gracious support of our sponsors: