WHEN: October 4-6, 2024

WHERE: Delta Fredericton

Join over 250 elected officials and municipal staff from across New Brunswick to celebrate the 30th Annual Conference and AGM of the Union of Municipalities of New Brunswick (UMNB)!

UMNB2024 will provide an invaluable opportunity to connect with peers, partners, and provincial representatives, while offering essential tools and resources to address challenges and seize new opportunities for municipal success.

You will not want to miss this years event!









All members are invited to submit resolutions for the UMNB 2024 Annual General Meeting, to be held October 6 2024 in Fredericton NB. Resolutions will be debated and voted on by the membership at the AGM. All proposed resolutions or by-law revisions must be received by Wednesday August 28 2024. Resolutions or revisions received after August 28 2024 will not be on the agenda of the 2024 AGM. 

According to Article 51 of the UMNB Constitution, “To be considered by the Members, any revisions or introduction of new By-laws must be presented to the Members along with a copy of the proposed amendments at least four weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.”

A handy guide with all our resolution info is available HERE.

Resolutions can be submitted by email to :  info@umnb.ca

If you have any questions about submitting resolutions, please contact Amy Anderson at 506-444-2285 or amy.anderson@umnb.ca.