Municipal Resources 


This page includes fact sheets, UMNB position papers, toolkits, and other information on key municipal issues.


Property Tax Infographic: Where does your Property Taxes go? Understanding your Property Taxes

FALL Atlantic Municipal Magazine: Don’t miss the recently released Atlantic Municipal Magazine. Read now: HERE

Coastal Adaptation Toolkit: The Coastal Adaptation Toolkit was developed to help Atlantic rural coastal communities and property owners plan for the effects of climate change. It is appropriate for use by communities and property owners that are experiencing coastal issues related to erosion and/or short- and long-term flooding impacts.The intent of the toolkit is to help communities and decision-makers as well as coastal property owners be aware of their coastal environment, the different adaptation options available to them, and the applicability of the options under different scenarios.

It includes two online tools – one for Communities, and one for Property Owners – and a companion resource containing three guidance documents.

CAO Evaluation Tool: HERE

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada: ImmigrationMatters: Immigration and our local economy

New release: Asset management insights: Building a legacy of asset management: The Municipal Asset Management Program at FCM is excited to share that their Asset management insights: Building a legacy of asset management report is now live on their website. This final AM Insights report features a summary of the efforts that Canadian municipalities have taken to improve their asset management skills and knowledge while effectively and efficiently delivering the necessary services their communities rely on.

Over the past eight years, the AM Insights reports have captured the progress that local governments have made in each of these five competencies of the Asset Management Readiness Scale, as well as in special editions on Collaboration and Final Insights. You can reference them here:

    Resources by Municipal issues

    Asset Management

    FCM: Tools for Developing a Financial Plan for Asset Management: Are you looking for resources to help your municipality strengthen its long-term financial planning processes? Check out FCM’s suite of resources to find videos, guides and more that can help you more effectively fund community infrastructure.

    FCM: Asset management tip sheets: (1) scoping your asset management project(2) owning the products developed with an asset management consultant; (3) ensuring continuation of asset management once consultant services are complete

    The Municipal Asset Management Program is excited to launch a new suite of resources to help municipalities better understand and implement the values of Reconciliation, equity, diversity and inclusion. 

    FCM: How levels of service and lifecycle costing inform long-term financial planning Guide.

    Tip sheet: Preserving asset management knowledge

    Climate Change
    Greenhouse Gas Reduction Guide & Toolkit

    UMNB Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Guide & Toolkit for Municipalities

    Municipalities are the level of government closest to people’s daily lives. Municipalities are also responsible for daily decisions and key infrastructure that impact local greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. But for many communities, there is little guidance on climate impacts of their policies and actions, and even less knowledge of effective mitigation measures that fit New Brunswick’s unique local context.

    UMNB developed a Greenhouse Gas Emission (GHG) Guide & Toolkit to help local governments understand the impacts of common local government decisions and activities, and to provide tools, resources, templates, and support for local action! The Guide includes a Toolkit of out-of-the-box resources that make GHG reduction more accessible for communities of all sizes.


    Download the Guide:

    Additional Resources: 

    Partners for Climate Protection: Small and Rural Communities Climate Action Guidebook
