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Many are looking forward to spending this holiday season away from home. Whether it’s visiting family afar or escaping the colder temperatures for a warm Christmas vacation, the holiday season is starting to become a very popular time again for travelling since the beginning of the pandemic.
Going away and leaving your house for extended periods of time can be risky, especially if you don’t take proper precautions. To keep your home safe and secure and the grinches out while you’re away, follow these important steps.
Make it look like someone is home. Set automatic timers to turn on your indoor and outdoor lights in the evening and consider asking a neighbour or nearby friend to bring in any deliveries that get dropped at your door. If the weather forecasts a white Christmas, you’ll also want to have someone shovel after each snowfall to make it look like you’re home and prevent any liability claims that could come up if someone slips on your sidewalk.
Note: Your insurance company may have requirements you’ll need to follow when you’re going to be away from home. Before you travel, contact your insurance advisor or review your policy to find out how often your property needs to be checked, to ensure your coverage stays in place.
Shut off your home’s main water supply. One of the biggest causes of claims in the winter is a result of frozen pipes. In an unoccupied home, burst pipes can leak for days before they are detected. Shut off your main water valve to your house and drain the pipes by running all fixtures until the water stops. Read more on preventing frozen pipes in your home here.
Keep all travel plans offline. Although it is nice to share your holiday ventures online, make sure you don’t while you’re away. No social media account is 100 percent private. Posting about your trip makes you a very easy target for a potential break-in. Intruders can read your posts and figure out the date you left your house, and how long you will be gone.
Remember to lock everything up and out of sight. You would be surprised by how many people forget to lock their doors. Ensure that you double check that all entrances are locked, including back doors, garage doors, basement doors, and your windows. Remove any spare keys that you have hiding outside around the house. It’s also a good idea to put your valuables out of site. This can include things like jewellery, electronics, or anything of high value. If you are travelling just after Christmas day, don’t leave empty gift bags in your recycling bin outside, especially a box for a brand-new TV or gaming system!
Are you traveling often? Invest in an alarm system. If you travel often (or if you have a lot of valuable possessions) consider having a home security system installed in your home. In addition to peace of mind, it may also provide you with a discount on your home insurance. Talk to your insurance advisor for more information.
Lastly, travel safe and enjoy the holiday season!
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