The NB NDP election 2018 platform includes promises on municipal priorities, including property taxes and housing.

According to the platform, the NB NDP would create a Property Tax Commission with a series of questions, including how property taxes should be distributed to municipalities. Property taxes are the main source of revenue for municipalities in the province and options to generate other types of income are very limited. Municipalities must be an integral part of any conversation about any changes to the property tax system.

UMNB is tracking campaign promises on municipal issues from all NB political parties. Follow our Facebook page for news and updates:

Municipal issues in the NB NDP platform:

Property taxes:

  • Create a Property Tax Commission to review how property taxes are collected. We will consult the public and other stakeholders, and we are committed to asking the tough questions:
    • What is a reasonable and fair share of provincial revenue to be derived from the tax of people’s homes?
    • What is a reasonable and fair share for industry to pay on commercial property?
    • Is it fair for commercial properties and apartment buildings to pay double?
    • Should increases in assessments be tied to the real estate market conditions as it is now, or is there a better way?
    • How do we ensure the assessment process is free from political interference?
    • What is the most fair or equitable way to distribute property tax revenue to municipalities?


  • Adopt a ’Housing First’ strategy to end homelessness, and expand municipal powers over social housing.
  • Give cities the powers and resources they need to enforce housing standards


  • Eliminate funding for Opportunities NB and regional development programs

Full NB NDP platform: